5 Best Cybersecurity Tactics to Defend Against Cyber Attacks

There is no denying that the rapid increase of technology has been beneficial for businesses across every industry. Operations have been streamlined and access to data and information has become more readily available than ever before. The internet has made it possible for businesses and municipalities to form interconnections between systems, networks, people, and devices. While such technological advances may improve accessibility and efficiency, it comes at a risk. As information becomes more spread across different infrastructures, businesses put themselves in a vulnerable position for a cyberattack. It’s no wonder that cyberattacks against government organizations are becoming increasingly common and more severe. They are targeted for their vast amounts of sensitive data such as residents’ social security numbers, voting records, tax information, etc. Businesses and municipalities must keep up with the evolving threats and tactics cyber hackers practice in order to maintain their duty of securing confidential information.

BrunNet’s team of cybersecurity experts have compiled a list of 5 best practices to be proactive and help organizations defend against cyber attacks.



1. Cybersecurity Vulnerability Assessment

The first step to ensuring cybersecurity is understanding your vulnerability. BrunNet’s Vulnerability Assessment provides you with actionable intelligence, it can tell you what devices, systems, and applications in your municipal environment are vulnerable to software flaws, misconfigurations, and other issues. You must be able to identify and understand their categories of risk and security gaps in order to be able to properly defend against cyber attacks. We can help your organization identify and resolve such vulnerabilities, and take proactive steps to protect your data before it gets exploited by attackers.

2. Be Aware of Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are one of the most common cyber breaches organizations face. Hackers strategically attack different departments within different companies and municipalities with phishing emails in order to discover their weakest link. To help reduce the risk and costs associated with phishing attacks, BrunNet offers WatchGuard’s Trophy Phishing resources. WatchGuard sends fake phishing emails to staff to see if they recognize the phishing warning signs, or if they act upon the attack. With WatchGuard’s Phishing resources, you will be able to determine liable employees and provide them with proper training in order to better identify such cyber risks.

3. Password Management

Enforcing a password management policy among employees is one of the first steps organizations should make when trying to prevent a cyber breach. Such a policy should require employees to create unique and hard-to-guess passwords with a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Additionally, employees should create new passwords every three months, at least. To coincide with this, government computers should have time-out and lock-out features. Time-out restrictions will log users off after a certain period of unattended screen time, while a lockout feature will automatically lock users out of the system after a certain number of unsuccessful password attempts. 


4. Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication paired with a password management policy might be one of the best and easiest solutions for protecting networks and systems from being breached. Multi-factor authentication requires additional information when users enter their username and password before they can log in to a system or network. Typically, upon attempting to log in, the user will be prompted to provide a security code sent by text message or email to a separate account. Once the username, password, and security code are all input correctly, the user can gain access. Multi-Factor Authentication should be especially prevalent when remote workers request access to municipal networks.

5. Perform Routine Data Back-Ups

It is no secret that businesses and municipalities hold a lot of important and confidential data and information. In the event of a cyberattack, the loss of such information could be catastrophic. Data backups are an essential part of mitigating the risk of a ransomware attack or a fire, theft, natural disaster, server crash, or user errors. It is recommended that important municipal data and systems are routinely backed up, encrypted to protect from ransomware, and kept off-site. It is also advised that employees working on important information perform routine backs up of their smartphones and tablets to avoid the loss of data in the event of a cyber attack.

As society, businesses, and governments continue to take advantage of new technologies, it is crucial to be proactive in understanding the risks and implementing cybersecurity practices. In doing so, organizations will be able to decrease their potential of being exposed to a cyber attack. BrunNet can assist in keeping up with current cyber threat trends and carrying out best practices against them. 

Contact BrunNet today to optimize your cybersecurity and defend against hackers!