Building Cyber Security Resilience in your Organization

Many small to medium sized businesses have begun to understand the importance of cybersecurity for their organization. In fact, over half of cyber attacks target small to medium-sized businesses. Even through the pandemic, we’ve seen a large uptake in the number of cyber attacks through spam and phishing emails. It’s unfortunate that for a lot of businesses, it took some sort of security breach within their organization to realize the severity of such threats.

From an industry perspective, it has been eye opening to watch these companies react as they cope with the reality of cyber safety. Almost every conversation BrunNet has with business owners surrounds security posture and how their company can improve it. It is so critical for every single business to think about cybersecurity, especially in the current state of the world. BrunNet is committed to updating our customers about upcoming cyber trends and what threats to be prepared for. We are trained and prepared to provide quick, pro-active measures of potential vulnerabilities in your organization.

Common Cybersecurity Issues within SMEs

Any disruption to business, a data breach or regulatory fine, pertains to organizational cybersecurity. The most common cybersecurity attacks we see today come through email. These are known as spam, viruses and phishing attacks. Hackers are able to replicate emails that look identical to an email coming from someone within your organization. By imitating emails that come from your company’s CEO or security officer, staff are more likely to fall victim to a cybersecurity breach.

In our experience, it is often the lack of human training that is the weakest link in an organizations cybersecurity structure. It is crucial to train your staff from the CEO, to entry level positions. By ingraining the significance of a secure IT position throughout the entire organization, you will decrease your chances of a cyber attack.

How to Avoid Cyber Attacks

To help with this, BrunNet specializes in “Vulnerability Assessments”. This is where we analyze a company’s network, test its strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations. Often, we will administer “phishing campaigns”. Our system sends a fake email to your entire staff, and see what the engagement rate is. By doing this, your company is able to discover its vulnerabilities and seek assistance in how to pinpoint these types of cyber attacks.

Having four to five different layers of security will help build a safe and secure email platform. We strongly recommend that our customers implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for accessing all forms of data/applications. A two-step verification (i.e., using a pin, smartphone app or biometrics, in addition to a password) can protect identities, even if a password is stolen.

Additionally, we recommend all organizations become certified in the ​CyberSecure Canada government program. ​It is a federal ​cyber certification program that aims to raise the cyber security baseline among small and medium enterprises in Canada. Outside of technology and employees, there is still a huge part of cybersecurity that refers to documentation and policies. This certification will help educate your staff.

Build Cybersecurity Resilience with BrunNet

No matter the size of your business, effective cyber security strategy makes it easier for organizations to grow and innovate. As more and more businesses begin to digitise their organizations, it is important that these people are aware of cyber threats and how to avoid them. By investing in cybersecurity, you will be helping eliminate potential threats that could hinder your business’ ability to grow and thrive.

Contact us to get started on a cyber security program for your organization today!